‘Back to the Office’ Resource Guide
After a long, uncertain year that kept many people out of their offices, we’re finally ready to talk about going back to the office in Denver. While this moment is one many of us have been waiting for, we also recognize that the world has changed. Offices and how we use them might look different than pre-COVID, but they are still a vital part of Denver’s future growth.
We’re here to provide guidance and support to businesses looking to go back into their office. Here are some trusted resources to inform conversations and help executives ask the right questions. When you’re ready to talk about your options, we’re always available.

Hello Hybrid
As many companies have learned, some employees enjoy working from home, finding greater productivity with fewer distractions and a more flexible schedule. Other employees thrive on collaborating with their co-workers and need in-person interactions to feel engaged with their work. Still others would like to have the best of both worlds. That’s where the idea of hybrid work comes in.
Deciding if and how to implement hybrid is relatively uncharted territory for most companies. But workplace experts like our friends at elements started thinking about hybrid workplaces months ago, seeing the difficult decisions business leaders would soon face regarding productivity, retention and recruitment. After months of meticulous study, they, along with DORIS Research, put together a guide called Hello Hybrid meant to help guide the decision-making process.

Denver’s Ready
Denver’s civic leaders are working to help companies get back to the office because they know that a thriving business community is critical to the continued success of the metro Denver region. Denver government and business leaders have joined together in an effort called Denver’s Ready, which provides resources and support for the transition back to the office.
In addition, the Denver’s Ready website contains key messages to help companies communicate both internally and externally, protocols that have been vetted by experts as reliable and safe and a toolkit for executives.

CDC Guidelines
As leaders of companies, it’s our responsibility to make sure that once we decide to bring our teams back to the office, that we’re providing them with a safe, healthy environment that properly adheres to guidelines set forward by health authorities. The Centers for Disease Control have compiled a guide specifically for office building users to minimize risk and keep building occupants healthy.

Co-working: Is it right for you?
Co-working is a well-known piece of the commercial real estate puzzle by now, and the onset of the pandemic has caused companies that had never considered co-working before to think about it as a viable option for their businesses. Shared office space has its benefits but can pose drawbacks for some. To determine if co-working is the right choice for your company and your team, ask the following questions.
- How does your team work? Do your team members mostly perform heads-down tasks that require concentration and quiet or is collaboration a big part of your team’s workflow?
- Do you feed off others’ energy and find it helpful to bounce ideas off other people?
- Do you like the idea of sharing common amenities with people from other companies?
- Would you rather manage and supply your own amenities like coffee and wifi, or have those costs rolled into your rent and managed by someone else?
- Is there a good chance you’ll change your staffing levels in the next 12 to 18 months, either by adding team members or reducing staff?
- Do you want to go back to the office but want time to see how re-entry plays out before committing to a longer lease?

Do you need a new office lease?
It’s been a time of tremendous change. Some companies have been forced to reduce their team sizes, while others have actually grown during the pandemic. Regardless, many companies have exercised caution around making long-term real estate decisions, unsure of what changes may lay ahead. As we emerge from this challenging time, the time is right to make a move on a new office lease.
The pandemic has created a set of market circumstances that have opened opportunities for companies to get into higher-quality space or a better-located building at a lower rate than they would have been able to obtain before the pandemic. Whether you’re looking for a new lease, sublease or to renew your current one, now’s the time to make your move.

TI Construction Considerations
Many companies are re-engineering their strategies around office usage to accommodate changes in worker preferences and business realities. These changes often necessitate tenant improvements to a new office space, which is an exciting opportunity for business leaders to infuse culture and flow, but in today’s environment can be extra challenging.

Andy Cullen
Partner and Managing Broker

Amy Aldridge