A Year Like None Other

It’s safe to say that 2020 has come with unexpected challenges. From the abrupt shift to a virtual office environment to the subsequent shifting of the Denver market, there has been a lot to navigate as a team this year. Our in-person meetings and gatherings might have been few and far between, but thanks to the ongoing drive and fortitude of Team Tributary, we have gotten through it and learned so much together as a team.

We wanted to share a few of the biggest lessons, takeaways, favorite moments and more from navigating this unique time.

Finding the perfect balance of persistence and patience

Pandemic or not, our team has remained committed to pushing forward and delivering quality results for our clients. Working in this kind of industry can be difficult when there are macroeconomic factors at play that are out of our control. However, every day we have made a concerted effort to continue to be an advocate for our clients by providing valuable resources.

Recognizing that our industry knowledge could provide valuable insight for companies across Denver, we launched our Tributary webinar series back in April and have hosted multiple events over the last several months with industry experts covering topics including navigating office leases, reopening your office and looking at the future of the Denver market.

Practicing patience has been a valuable skill in getting through this year as we have all learned to navigate a new normal. It has also been important to remember to slow down, support each other and show empathy in any way possible.

Staying connected as a team in new ways

Ever since the stay-at-home orders required us to work in a virtual environment, we’ve had to pivot the way we operate, interact and communicate as a team. Open and honest communication has been key in making sure our new systems are working and things are continuing to move forward.

Since culture is a huge part of our team at Tributary, it has been important to find ways to continue celebrating monumental milestones this year. Virtual happy hours and socially distant outings – including early morning mountain bike rides – have been a great way to stay connected and maintain a degree of normalcy on our team.

Remaining committed to community involvement

One important way we’ve navigated 2020 is through maintaining steady involvement in our communities, in whatever way we can. Giving back is ingrained in our culture, and this year in particular has shown us the importance of showing up for those in need.

Recently, our team put together Thanksgiving baskets for young adults through Bridging the Gap, part of Mile High United Way’s program that helps young people transition out of the child welfare system with housing and personalized supportive services. These baskets were designed to help provide a sense of comfort and hope during an uncertain time and we’re grateful to have been a part of it.

As the chair of the Catalyst Philanthropy Group within Mile High United Way, Senior Broker Natalie Geer helps plan a monthly virtual volunteering event as well as a professional development event. This year, they partnered with the Women’s Bean Project, a non-profit organization with the mission to change women’s lives by providing stepping stones to self-sufficiency through social enterprise. Together, they hosted a cooking show to share one of their famous chili recipes and raise awareness for additional ways to support the organization.

Senior Broker Jona Behm plans to participate in local food drives as a way to improve the wellbeing of the neighborhoods she cares about.

This year, Tributary has made financial contributions as a team to important causes such as Denver Active 20-30, Rocky Mountain Alliance Children’s Foundation, Social Venture Partners Denver and Big Brothers Big Sisters of America.

While this year has been anything but normal, there is much to be grateful for. We look forward to continuing to serve our clients and our communities through the end of this year and into the next.

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‘Tis the Season to Sublease

As we close out 2020 and look towards a (hopefully) very different 2021, many companies are still unsure about what to do about their office space. One growing trend? Subleasing.

As hundreds of businesses choose to downsize or leave their office spaces entirely due to COVID-19, sublease availability in Denver has jumped to record levels. At the end of Q3 2020, there were 4.3 million square feet of sublease space available, a 28.2% increase quarter over quarter. With total construction volume reaching 3.3 million square feet, and only 9% of the 1.4 million square feet of upcoming speculative office space leased, we are likely to end 2020 with a supply that significantly outweighs demand.

Now is the time to take advantage of the market.

If you’re not ready to sign a traditional lease, subleases provide a unique opportunity to secure quality office space. While each sublease has its own unique set of lease terms, many provide discounted rates or additional perks like fully furnished set-ups. It can be a great option to try out a new location or specific building while assessing more long-term solutions for your company.

With a rollout of vaccinations on the horizon and expectations for a new normal by summer, it’s important to think ahead and secure leasing opportunities while they’re still available.

Interested in learning more? Check out our available subleases on our brokerage page and LinkedIn page or reach out to us at andy@tributaryre.com.

‘Tis the Season to Sublease2020-12-11T17:44:36+00:00
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